Up to 4 customers can create family carts and share an Instacart+ membership with family accounts. If 1 member on the family account has an Instacart+ membership, all users get the order savings benefits. You can also create family accounts and share carts without an Instacart+ membership.

The benefits include, but aren’t limited to, $0 delivery fees on eligible orders of $10 or more 

You can shop together using family carts or shop individually if you prefer. Items in a personal cart don’t add to a family cart.

View your family account

  1. Log in to your Instacart account.
  2. Tap the Account icon (app) or click the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner (web).
  3. Select Manage family account under Shop preferences (app) or Your family account (web).

Family account members

If you’re the family account owner, you can add up to 3 members at a time.

If you want to add another member to your family account, you first have to remove 1 of the current members.

Add member to your family account

  1. Log in to your Instacart account.
  2. Tap the Account icon (app) or click the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner (web).
  3. Select Manage family account under Shop preferences (app) or Your family account (web).
  4. Enter the additional member’s contact information and select Send invite.

Remove member from your family account

  1. Log in to your Instacart account.
  2. Tap the Account icon (app) or click the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner (web).
  3. Select Manage family account under Shop preferences (app) or Your family account (web).
  4. Select the member.
  5. Select Remove member.

Accept a family account invitation

  1. Click or tap the invitation link.
  2. Log in to your Instacart account.
  3. Select Accept invite.

NOTE: If you no longer want to be a part of a family account, you can remove yourself by selecting your name under Manage family account (app) / Your family account (web). 

Deactivate your family account

If you deactivate your family account, you won’t deactivate your Instacart account or Instacart+ membership. However, if you added members, you all lose any active family carts. The additional members also lose Instacart+ benefits if sharing a membership.

To deactivate your family account—

  1. Log in to your Instacart account.
  2. Tap the Account icon (app) or click the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner (web).
  3. Select Manage family account under Shop preferences (app) or Your family account (web).
  4. Select your name under Members.
  5. Select Deactivate family account.

Terms and conditions

Visit our Family accounts terms and conditions.